Poszukiwanie form uniformizacji życia duchowego w rozwoju kultu maryjnego

Bogdan Rok

The Search for Uniformization of Spiritual Life in the Development of Marian Cult in the The Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth 

The author focuses on the question of uniformization of spiritual life in the old-Polish period. It was triggered by the Marian cult which constituted one of the most important spiritual phenomena within the polish territory. It embraced and affected all classes of the old-Polish society. The celebrations were gathering both peasants, middle-class townsmen and the nobles. The important factors to unify the cult were coronations of Marian images, thinking in terms of the miraculous, as well as the agrarian and ludic elements that were penetrating the cult. All these composites had generated the homogeneity of the Marian cult within the vast territory of Polish and Lithuanian state.

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