Ciągłość, mimo zmian kontekstu. Polskie migracje do przemysłowej i poprzemysłowej Ameryki

Anna Sosnowska

Continuity despite the change of context. Polish migrations to industrial and postindustrial America

The text compares Polish migrations to the US. At the turn of the two centuries: 19th/20th, and 20th/21st that have been, accordingly, migrations from postfeudal societies do industrial one, and from postcommunist society to postindustrial one. Polish lands have remained a periphery that provides the core with cheap labor. Polish migrations remain an example of typical labor migrations: from a less developed, poorer region to a more developed, richer one. What has changed in Polish migrants’ position on the American labor market and American culture over the century, results from the change in global and American contexts of the migrations. Polish migrants work in service sector and not in industry as the character of the American economy has changed. Polish immigrants are much less discriminated than 100 years ago because now they are among a few white immigrant groups. They are overrepresented in the construction sector — the most attractive working class niche — as they profit from the longer stay.

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