„To jej początek – krytyczna chwila” (Amereida). O Ñameryce Martina Caparrósa

Magdalena Barbaruk

Artykuł został przygotowany w ramach realizacji grantu badawczego finansowanego przez Narodowe Centrum Nauki pt. „Trajektorie słowa. Kulturowe oddziaływanie Amereidy” o numerze rejestracyjnym 2017/25/B/HS2/00453.

“This is its beginning – a critical moment” (Amereida). On Ñamerica by Martin Caparrós


In the article, I selectively analyze Martin Caparrós’s monumental reportage Ñamerica. I am interested in Latin America seen through the syntagm of “earth in trance” (tierra en trance), being in a “critical moment” (estar en trance). Giving examples of breakthrough moments that defined the condition of the continent (including revolutions, social protests), I conclude that Caparrós vision of the world based on constant change, movement, is not as disturbing as the original use of “earth in a trance” in Glauber Rocha’s new wave work would suggest (Terra em transe, 1967). I took the term “critical moment” from the decolonization poem Amereida (1967). It asked about America’s condition as “a land that hides the abyss, that accommodates intrusion and gives proportions to critical moments”. The “critical moment” stands at the birth of America and its potential. Reading America from the Amereida perspective enables a more optimistic interpretation of the portrait of the continent and the possibility of a project for its future. This is possible thanks to utopian thinking, the foundational power of poetry, which can also be seen in the formally heterogeneous America.


Latino America, Ñamerica, Amereida, Earth in Trance

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