Przekroczyć granice ciszy i ciemności

Lucyna Kościelniak, Ewelina Moroń

Exceed Borders of Silence and Darkness

According to estimates by Towarzystwo Pomocy Głuchoniewidomym (Aid for Deaf-blind Society) from 5 to seven 7 thousands people with simultaneous visual and hearing impaired live in Poland. Around 60% of these are women and 40 % — men (Report, 2016 infographics 1). More than 2,500 of them participate in TPG’s rehabilitation offer and most of them are official members of TPG. It happens rarely that blindness coincides with partial or total inability to hear. Despite that only 20% of deaf-blind are economically active. Most of deaf-blind in Lower Silesia are hired in two supported employment enterprise: DOLSIN and BSN BIERSIN. (Report, 2016 infographics 2). Though the lack of activity on the labor market, deaf-blind are involved in social life and culture. The point of this article is to present how disabled people try to take part in different sports and cultural activity. For example, deaf-blind organized survival camp and car race.

Key words: deaf-blindness, deaf-blind people, sign language, TPG, The Lorm Deafblind Manual Alphabet

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